Thank you very much for coming to Spring Movement at Center for Performance Research .
It was a full house and the audience was so warm and passionate!!
The audience wanted to pick my MMC choreographic card but we went around only four times. Sorry about that!!!
Thank you very much CPR, Sydney, Jackie, and the incredible performers, my partner Laura, and all of you who came last night!!
Spring Movement @ CPR on April 16th at 7:30pm
CPR – Center for Performance Research will present Spring Movement, a
three-night festival of works by 12 emerging and established choreographers in dance and performance, April 16-18, 2015 at 7:30pm. The festival will include new and previously presented work that
spans dance, movement-based work, and performance art. Each evening will feature four different artists performing under CPR’s brand new state of the art LED theatrical lighting system, procured
on CPR’s behalf through the generous support of New York City’s Department of Cultural Affairs and the Mertz Gilmore Foundation. CPR is thrilled to announce the participating artists for Spring
Movement 2015:
April 16th 7:30pm
tickets : http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1388592
venue : Center for Performance Research (CPR) (361 Manhattan Avenue Unit 1, Brooklyn, New York 11211)
Thursday April 16:
Maho Ogawa – MMC duet
Julia Crockett & Group– Tiny Parties
Sally O'Neill and Tuva Hildebrand – That Disgusting Thing Called Intimacy
Stephanie Liapis – The Building of a Sphere
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