For et par siden lidet jeg veldig pga nedre ryggsmerter, og prøvde alt mulig rart i Oslo. Jeg fikk et par anbefalinger at kanskje pilates kunne hjelpe, men jeg tenkte meg at hvis jeg skal først prøve meg på noe slikt, så måtte jeg finne den rette instruktøren. Da jeg litt senere var på besøk i New York fikk jeg avtalt et par forskjellige timer hos Suiso Pilates, og resultatene var ekstrem positive! Jeg må si at Maho er helt fantastisk, og hun kan sine saker med sin tålmodighet men også sin erfaring. Nå har jeg enda en god grunn til å se frem til mine neste turer til Manhattan!
A couple of years ago, I suffered from lower from lower back pain, and tried all kinds of options here in Oslo. Pilates was suggested to me a couple of times, but I thought that if I was to first try something so new to me that I needed to find the right instructor. When I went to visit New York jeg managed to book a couple of sessions with Susio Pilates, and the results were esxtremely positive! I must say that Maho is fantastic, and she really knows her stuff, not just with her patience but also with her experience. Now I have yet another good reason to look forward to my next trips to Manhattan!
Mark Steiner & His Problems :
The best gift to myself in years!
That is how I look at my twice weekly Pilates sessions with Maho. Through her kind and gentle but firm guidance, I am getting in touch with my body again. The sessions are an oasis of tranquility and peace during which I am becoming reacquainted with my physical and mental self. The sessions leave me with a renewed sense of self and a determination to be the best that I can be.
Un giorno Maho(Suiso) ha cominciato a insegnarmi gli esercizi più semplici della sua disciplina: imparare da lei ė stata un 'esperienza bella e importante, e sono deciso, per il benessere che mi hanno portato subito, a continuare la pratica quando tornerò in Italia. Grazie Maho!!! Ti sono molto grato!!!!
One day Maho started teaching me the most simple exercises of the discipline: learning from her was a beautiful and important experience, and I decided, as a result of the wellness it immedediately gave me, to continue practicing when I return to Italy. Thank you Maho!!!I am very grateful!!!!
Mauro Sargiani:
Maho(Suiso) makes familiar shapes and movements unfamiliar (even uncomfortable) in the best way possible- helping clients to re-evaluate how they relate their own bodies.
She takes time to understand your physical practices, over time noticing and helping you become aware of physical habits. She tailors your session to you -that day- rather than following a predictable “script.”
I've been taking private sessions about once per week for 6 months; they have helped me to deeply reinvestigate my practice as a dancer and mover in general,( as well as overcome pilates intimidation- her “zen” approach is truly refreshing and inviting.)
I recommend her to anyone wishing to live a healthier and more physically integrated lifestyle.
Laura Neese:
New Yorkに越してきてすぐに始めたのがpilatesだった。
After weeks and weeks of going to the chiropractor for a herniated disk, I was not getting better and desperate for help to relieve the severe pain in my lower back. I found Suiso through a good friend of mine and decided to give it a try and she did wonders for me! I stopped going to the chiropractor and after only 3-4 Pilates sessions, she was able to relieve the pain in my lower back and slowly helped regain the sensation back to my left leg (the back of my thigh and side of my left foot was numb for weeks!!!).
I continue to be a fan and still take classes to strengthen my core and also use it as a meditation/relaxation tool! Thanks Suiso!
ピラティス初心者ですが、先生が一つ一つの動きを丁寧に教えて下さるので、抵抗なく楽しくレッスンを受けています。 レッスン後は体がほぐれた感じがして、とても気持ちいいです。
I'm a beginner at Pilates and as such Ms. Ogawa taught me at a pace that I could feel comfortable with and more importantly to me - have fun with it! After my lessons I feel relaxed and subsequently also invigorated!
Admittedly I was almost completely ignorant of what Pilates is, thinking that maybe it was just some trendy extension of yoga. I always searched for some exercise that I could take with me, not just at home but while away on business trips. Back issues plague me from time to time and I always believed there was some form of preventative stretching/movement/exercise for me - but what was it.
Well, lucky for me that I happened to meet Suiso who has convinced me essentially over night that Pilates was perfect for me. She is very diligent in catering to one's personal needs/situation as to how far I should go, allowing me (my body) to slowly adjust to this new world of strengthening one's core. I am nothing short of thrilled with this discovery, and of continuing my Pilates lessons with Suiso, which l will take with me always - thank you Suiso!
ピラティスは、カラダの深部を探求する旅。マットに横たわり、息を吸って吐く。骨や筋肉の存在をより具体的にイメージしながら、目的の部位へと意識を傾ければ、旅のスタートだ。ある日の旅は、かの有名な女の聖地、骨盤だった。腹部を覆う筋肉を1枚、また1枚とかき分け(なんと4層もの筋肉を超える、グレートジャーニー!)、初めて骨盤に対面した私は、大胆にも両手でちょいと持ち上げ、右へ左へゆらゆらと揺らしたのだった。最初は驚いた様子で、反応の鈍かった骨盤も、次第にゆらゆら打ち解け、最後はハグして再開を約束したほど。自分史上初の体験! 感動夢紀行! 充実の1時間! しかもありがたいことに、2ヶ月以上も音沙汰のなかった生理が訪れるという、うれしいお土産まで付いてきたのだった。
Suiso's gentle and caring approach to pilates was exactly what my my body needed while I was pregnant.
Athena Kokoronis