I’m honored to be performing in an interesting performance with meal happening on May 19th &21st in Brooklyn.
Please join us.
Maho Suiso Ogawa
Brooklyn在住の振付家Athena Kokoronis さんの作品でパフォーマンスします。儀式としてのディナーとホスピタリティとしてのパフォーマンスについての考察から生まれた作品です。
You are invited to the Domestic Performance Agency for the intimate performance installation, Blessings. Blessings presents details of dance that emerge from a sensitive regard to kitchen tools,
meal rituals and choreographic forms of hospitality. Performed by Laurel Atwell, Athena Kokoronis, Maho Suiso Ogawa, Emma Quaytman, Larissa Sheldon, and Tatyana Tenenbaum, a meal and dance will
unfold in this evening length work. Menu and choreography by Athena Kokoronis in collaboration with performers.
May 19th 7:30 & May 21st 6:00
Domestic Performance Agency
567 Carlton Ave Brooklyn
Seating is very limited. (Purchase ticket here)
Performance includes a meal and one cocktail $25.00
And additional cash bar will be offered
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